UV Bedside Station

UV Bedside Station

Keep guests safe and welcome them back to your hotel with UV Station; UV-C cleaning tech designed specifically for the hotel nightstand.

CleanRest Mattress Encasements

CleanRest Mattress Encasements

Keep your guests safe and your assets protected with mattress encasement covers.

Everywhere is Hiring

Everywhere is Hiring

"Now hiring" signs seem to be a staple on every window, door, and register at businesses today. The labor shortage is still in full swing. Owners are investing in higher wages and using advanced search systems to find job candidates, but that still isn’t enough.

Robotics in Health Care & Hospitality Industries

Robotics in Health Care & Hospitality Industries

Improve your operations and delight guests with the latest in robotic innovations. PHHS can show you how.

Matradee Robots Ease Restaurant Stress

Matradee Robots Ease Restaurant Stress

New advances in robotics mean restaurant managers now have an innovative way to help their businesses succeed—meeting cleanliness standards, helping overworked staff, and delighting guests.

Robots Support Restaurants

Robots Support Restaurants

From cleaning to service help, employee support to satisfying guests, hospitality robots are helping restaurant owners and changing our industry.

Technology for the Future of Safe Casinos

Technology for the Future of Safe Casinos

On August 24, 2021, TG&H (Tribal Gaming and Hospitality) and Prospera co-hosted a webinar, to discuss health and technology innovations that can assist casino operators with sanitation, guest services and employee safety.

UV Robots Disinfect Any Surface Without Chemicals

UV Robots Disinfect Any Surface Without Chemicals

It’s now more important than ever for hotels and restaurants to show their commitment to cleanliness and disinfection. UV light disinfection robots make this easier.

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