uv cleaning and disinfection products for hotel Prospera Health and Hospitality Services

uv cleaning products

Simple to use, automated, quiet and effective, UV disinfection products fully sterilize commonly touched surfaces and hard-to-clean areas without using water or chemicals. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes to disinfect all kinds of objects and surfaces. Use UV disinfecting robots and devices to lighten the load of the cleaning staff while maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness.

Shop UV Disinfection Products

protect against viruses

UVC devices eliminate 99.9% of pathogens after one minute and 99.999% of pathogens after two minutes or more, providing a quick and easy way to disinfect equipment and devices. Regular cleaning with low doses of UV light helps to eliminate the transfer of harmful pathogens while being safe for staff and guests.

chemical-free cleaning solution uses the power of uv light

For anti-viral and anti-bacterial cleaning, perhaps no product is easier to use – and friendly for both staff and patrons – than UV Cleaning (UVC) Products. Simple to use, automated, silent and effective, UVC devices fully sterilize commonly touched surfaces and hard-to-clean areas, without the use of water or chemicals.

Whether you need to sanitize a small credit card machine or an entire guest suite, PHHS offers hospital-grade UV light machines for hotels and restaurants.

Shop UV Cleaning Devices

restaurant sanitation products

restaurant sanitation products

PHHS offers a variety of sanitation products, including EPA-registered disinfectants, medical-grade cleaning solutions, and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Shop Sanitation Products

restaurant robot consultation meeting with phhs staff

schedule a consultation

No matter the size or concept of your restaurant, balancing staff shortages, guest needs, and cleaning maintenance can be a challenge. PHHS offers personalized consultations tailored to restaurants of any size to help you select the right cleaning products and quantities to fit your unique needs. Contact us to schedule a free consultation or request more information about any of our restaurant robots or cleaning supplies. We'd love to help.

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exploring service robotics
and products

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industry solutions
and cutting-edge technology

At PHHS, we have established a strong reputation as a trusted partner for manufacturers. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the rigorous research and evaluation process we undertake before offering a product.


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