Delivery Robot | Hotel Industry
PHHS continues our goal to improve the hospitality industry through technology. With today’s need for increased sanitation efforts and ongoing staffing shortages, hospitality robots may be the solution many hotels need.
One specific hotel robot is the T4H Room Service Delivery Robot. This sleek, advanced and autonomous robot is designed to support hotel workers. It is built to deliver a variety of items while easily navigating hotel hallways and elevators.
While a robot may seem like a thing of the future, these robots are most definitely at work today—able to improve the efficiency of your hotel operations as soon as they arrive.
The T4H room service robot wows guests, often increasing room service requests (and thus, revenue) as guests want to experience the service. The robot also relieves the staffing need to make deliveries all over the hotel at all times of day and night. And importantly, the T4H provides a contactless service solution, allowing hoteliers to give their guests the full hotel experience while also operating with minimal staff.
The T4H Delivery Robot gives hotels the ability to serve their guests conveniently and efficiently. With a touch of a button on their phone, guests can order anything from a toothbrush to breakfast in bed. Fresh towels can now be at their door in minutes. Guests will love the novelty of opening their door and coming face to face with a delivery robot—increasing guest satisfaction and revenue.
The T4H becomes the runner so front desk workers can stay the welcoming face of your hotel.
At PHHS, we have established a strong reputation as a trusted partner for manufacturers. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the rigorous research and evaluation process we undertake before offering a product.
Learn more about how to get started with a cleaning robot, room-service robot or food-service robot. Whatever your business needs, PHHS provides the support and training to ensure your robot becomes a valuable team member with strong ROI.