Enclosed Waiter Robot by Autoxing

Waiter Robot | Food Service

AutoXing enclosed waiter robot

The Enclosed Waiter Robot is a food service robot that is designed with customer needs and satisfaction in mind. This smart robot can carry a variety of plates, trays and drinks independently to serve guests and support staff. It can navigate crowded rooms, plan the most dynamic route, and reroute if necessary. The Enclosed Waiter Robot is a great way to streamline service and enhance customer experience all while keeping food safe.  

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product specs
  • Enclosed trays to keep food safe
  • Precise positioning
  • Dynamic route planning
  • Multi-sensor fusion
  • Flexible and accurate obstacle avoidance
  • SLAM rapid mapping
  • Remote real-time video monitoring


product features
  • Multi-functional for meal delivery, plate collection, customer attraction, table guidance, and tableware distribution
  • Remote deployment
  • Large touchscreen and voice interaction
  • Multi-robot scheduling function
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Streamline service and decrease labor costs
  • Decrease employee workload and boost employee morale
Enclosed waiter robot serving restaurant guests

why an enclosed robot?

Not only can this robot take orders and deliver them, it will do so safely! Navigating around your restaurant independently, the AutoXing food delivery robot will keep food and drinks protected with its mobile enclosure. This special feature stimulates contactless delivery while still offering the ability to interact with your guests. Streamline your food delivery service while decreasing your employee workload with this enclosed waiter robot.

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